About Our Re-Union

Our Story

The AzNiagaraTaNiagara Re-Union is a special gathering that brings together members of the Zoroastrian community from different parts of the world. Our journey began with the Persian Faravahar Youth Club and has expanded to include California Zoroastrian Youth and beyond.

This reunion represents more than just a meeting; it's a celebration of our shared heritage, memories, and the bonds that have grown stronger over the years.

Our Vision

We aim to create a meaningful experience that allows our community to:

  • Reconnect with old friends and make new connections within our community
  • Share stories and experiences from our journey since the youth club days
  • Strengthen our community bonds while creating new memories together

Why Niagara Falls?

We chose Niagara Falls as our reunion destination for its:

Natural Beauty

The majestic falls provide a stunning backdrop for our gathering, symbolizing the power and beauty of our enduring connections.

Central Location

Situated between Canada and the United States, Niagara Falls serves as an accessible meeting point for our global community.

... and BTW, Celebrating Both Canadian Independence Day (July 1st) & US Independence Day (July 4th)!